Breakthrough Prayer

Breakthrough Prayer

We say that “Prayer changes things” but do we really mean it? As the new year is upon us, let’s commit together to pray more and seek God’s face in the midst of difficulty. Africa Inland Mission has always had a priority for the unreached...
African Writers Series: Things Fall Apart Review

African Writers Series: Things Fall Apart Review

It goes without saying that most people grow up immersed in a culture and worldview of which they never give even a second thought. This is true no matter the location. What often makes a person cognizant of their own worldview is the conflict that happens when...
The Wildgens’ Update: Coronavirus Edition

The Wildgens’ Update: Coronavirus Edition

What crazy times we are living through right now! But we are thankful that our God knows the beginning as well as the end, He is in full control and we can trust Him. Update Many people have been asking about our trip to Namibia. We wanted to give you an update and...
An Opportunity Before Us

An Opportunity Before Us

Did you know that up to 95% of pastors and church leaders in Africa have had no theological training? The reasons for this could be any or all of the following: little opportunity, little money to afford education, or little incentive to go. Yet all of these...